NFMC Hymn Festival
The National Federation of Music Clubs hosts the Hymn-Playing Festival annually in the spring. Participants will perform two hymns with music for a judge. The students will receive a written critique, rating, and a certificate of participation. The Festival is not a contest; therefore, students do not compete with one another, but strive to do their individual best. Students earn points towards a national Gold Cup Trophy for their participation and rating. Each participant will receive a certificate of participation. Students who receive a Superior rating will also receive a national certificate that will be presented at the end of the year recital.
Each student will be assigned a specific time for their performance.
Students must register in advance to participate, please talk with me to register for this event.
Music will be distributed in the fall and must be prepared by January 1.
Each student will be heard individually and given a performance rating by another local music professional, always referred to as the “Judge". The performance will be judged on accuracy of notes, rhythm, dynamics, memory, and general musicianship. Ratings will be given based on what the judge hears the day of the Festival. Each rating is worth points and when a student accumulates 15 points they earn their first national Gold Cup Trophy. Trophies increase in size as the student earns more points.
Superior - Highest performance rating. It is given for a very accurate performance. The performance must be, in the opinion of the judge, superior. (5 points)
Excellent - Honor rating. It is given for a performance with a high degree of accuracy. Excellent is a rating to be proud of. (4 points)
Satisfactory - Shows promise but needs attention to detail. It is given for a performance with obvious errors whether caused by nervousness or other factors. This is a desirable rating. (3 points)
Fair - Needs improvement. It is given if the judge feels many areas need improvement (2 points)
Needs Improvement – Unprepared (1 point)
The decision of the judge is final. There is nothing that the Festival chairman or your teacher can do to change a rating. If the rating is less than hoped for, help your child to accept the disappointment and focus on preparation for future events. Everyone involved in the Festival (monitors, judges, teachers and many behind-the-scene-workers) wants the Festival to be a happy and stimulating experience for your child. If the student is well prepared, the Festival should go well for him or her. Encourage your child to work hard now to be able to relax and enjoy performing the day of the Festival. I will pass out a reminder the week before with specific directions for parking and where to go.